Find out if you need planning permission

It's likely that you will need planning permission for:

  • most new buildings
  • extensions to buildings
  • changes to buildings

Some types of work can be done without needing to apply for planning permission.

These are known as ‘permitted development rights'.

You should also check if work needs building regulations approval.

What to consider about your proposal

What you can do to your a property without planning permission (permitted development rights) will depend on:

  • the type of property (what you can do to a house without planning permission will differ to what you can do to a flat)
  • the use of the property (whether it's used for residential or commercial purposes)
  • whether the property is a listed building
  • whether your proposal is in a 'designated area' such as:

This is why it's important to get planning advice and carry out research about your proposal and the area you want to do work in.

The Planning Portal have guidance on planning permission for common projects.

Use our online checker

You can use this free service to check if:

  • changes you want to make to a property in the future may require planning permission
  • your property has any planning restrictions (for example, if it's a listed building or in a conservation area)

The assessment is only based on the answers you give and is for guidance only.

It is not an official planning decision that you can rely on in future.

Find out now

If the checker says that you don't need planning permission

To be certain that changes do not require planning permission, you should apply for a lawful development certificate.

This will require you to submit drawings of your proposals and pay a fee.

Planning advice

We can give you planning advice on your project.

You need to pay for this service. We will tell you if:

  • planning permission is required
  • a proposal comes under permitted development rights
  • if permitted development rights are no longer valid

Read more about our planning advice service and view fee information.