Get advice about building work or home improvements

Our planning advice services are available to anyone wanting to make a planning application now or in the future.

By using this service you could:

  • get the best value out of your development
  • reduce your overall cost and time to develop a project
  • reduce your risk by identifying potential issues early on
  • avoid problems and find alternative solutions where needed
  • be sure that your planning proposal is legal

What we offer

We offer paid services for:

Heritage, conservation and environmental advice

If you have a question that is not about making a planning application, our specialist officers can help.

Their advice covers:

  • arboriculture: tree preservation orders, trees in a conservation area, ancient woodland, priority habitats (orchards, woodland)
  • ecology: priority habitats, biological notification sites (BNS), local geological sites (LGS), local wildlife sites (LWS), SSSIs, SACs
  • heritage and conservation: listed buildings, locally listed buildings, conservation areas, registered historic parks and gardens
  • archaeology: archaeological notification areas, scheduled ancient monuments, and other archaeological matters

If your request also involves planning considerations, you:

  • will have to pay a higher fee
  • may be referred to initial planning advice