The documents you will be required to submit sometimes depend on the scale or size of your development, these are in three main categories:
Planning applications for development within the curtilage of a dwellinghouse (not change of use).
Includes: extensions, conservatories, loft conversions, dormer windows, alterations, garages, car ports or outbuildings, swimming pools, walls, fences, domestic vehicular accesses including footway crossovers, porches and satellite dishes.
Excludes: any work to flats, changing the number of dwellings (flat conversions, building a separate house in the garden), changes of use to part or all of the property to non-residential (including business) uses, or anything outside the garden of the property (including stables if in a separate paddock).
Development involving any one or more of the following:
- residential development where 1 - 9 dwellinghouses will be provided, and
- building or buildings where floorspace to be created by the development is under 1,000sqm (includes buildings for residential use), or
- site area is below 1 hectare
Development involving any one or more of the following:
- residential development where 10 or more dwellinghouses will be provided (or if number not stated, the site is 0.5 hectares or more), or
- building or buildings where floorspace to be created by the development is 1,000sqm or more (includes buildings for residential use), or
- site area is 1 hectare or more*
* replacement of a single dwellinghouse where the location site is 1 hectare or more is a major development, however major development documents are not required in this instance.
Applications for:
- mineral development comprises a development consisting of the winning and working of minerals, infrastructure associated with their transport and the deposition of mineral waste. Other development on or adjacent to current or historic minerals sites may also fall to be determined by the Mineral Planning Authority.
- waste operations and uses of land. The Planning Practice Guidance on GOV.UK provides a general, non-exhaustive list of matters which can be considered to be waste operations.
All minerals and waste applications are major applications.