Planning application fees

The government sets the fees for statutory planning applications, and they do not charge VAT. You do have to pay VAT for discretionary planning advice services, which are set locally.

The fees vary depending on what kind of development you're planning and whether you have any permitted development rights. You can look through the list until you find the fee that applies to your proposal.

All planning fees are exempt from VAT.


Some applications are either exempt from fees or offered at a reduced fee.

Check if you may be eligible for a concession.

These are applications where you're asking permission to:

  • carry out building works
  • change the use of a building
  • display advertisements
  • work on trees and hedges

This also includes applications for:

  • car parks, service roads and access
  • the drilling of oil or natural gas
  • the winning and working of oil or natural gas

All fees are updated from 6 December 2023.

Household extensions or work to a single dwelling (not flats)

This application is for works or extension to a single dwelling (excludes flats). Only for householder developments.

Application type Fee
Householder £258

Outline planning permission

Outline planning permission with some or all matters reserved. Can be for minor or major developments.

Fees range from £578 to £202,500.

Erection of dwelling houses
Size of outline Fee
Outline permission for up to 0.5 hectares £578 per 0.1 hectare
Outline permission for between 0.5 hectares and 2.5 hectares £624 per 0.1 hectare
Outline permission for 2.6 hectares and over £15,433 plus £186 for each 0.1 hectares in excess of 2.5 hectares. Maximum total of £202,500
Outline permission for up to 1 hectare £578 per hectare
Outline permission for between 1 hectare and 2.5 hectares £624 per hectare
Outline permission for 2.6 hectares and over £15,433 plus £186 for each 0.1 hectares in excess of 2.5 hectares. Maximum total of £202,500
Erection of buildings
Size of outline Fee
Outline permission for up to 1 hectare £578 per hectare
Outline permission for between 1 hectare and 2.5 hectares £624 per hectare
Outline permission for 2.6 hectares and over £15,433 plus £186 for each 0.1 hectares in excess of 2.5 hectares. Maximum total of £202,500.

Full planning permission

Applications for full planning permission. This can be for minor or major developments.

Fees vary from £120 to £405,000.

Dwelling houses
Application scheme Fee
Alterations or extensions to a single dwellinghouse (or flat), including works within boundaries £258 for a single dwellinghouse (or single flat)
Alterations or extensions to 2 or more dwellings (houses or flats), including works within boundaries £509
New dwellings - up to 10 units £578 per dwelling
New dwellings – between 10 and 50 units £624 per dwelling
New dwellings – 50 units or more £30,860 + £186 for each additional dwellinghouse in excess of 50Maximum fee of £405,000
Erection of buildings (not dwellings, agricultural, glasshouses, plant or machinery)
Application scheme Fee
No increase in gross (total) floor space to be created by development or no more than 40m2 £293
Between 40m2 and 1,000m2 gross floor space to be created by development £578 for each 75m2 (or part thereof)
Between 1,000m2 and 3,750m2 gross floorspace to be created by development £624 for each 75m2 (or part thereof)
More than 3,750m2 gross floorspace to be created by development £30,680 plus £186 for each additional 75m2 (or part thereof) in excess of 3,750m2. Maximum total of £405,000.
Increase in gross (total) floor space to be created by the development up to 465m2 £120
Between 465m2 and 540m2 of gross floorspace to be created by the development £578
Between 540m2 and 1,000m2 of gross floorspace to be created by the development £578 for the first 540m2Plus £578 for each additional 75m2 (or part thereof) in excess of 540m2
Between 1,000m2 and 4,215m2 of gross floorspace to be created by the development £624 for the first 1,000m2Plus £624 for each additional 75m2 (or part thereof) in excess of 1,000m2
More than 4,215m2 of gross floorspace to be created by the development £30,860 plus £186 for each additional 75m2 (or part thereof) in excess of 4,215m2 Maximum total of £405,000.
No more than 465m2 gross (total) floorspace to be created by the development £120
Between 465m2 and 1,000 m2 gross floorspace to be created by the development £3,225
More than 1,000m2 gross floorspace to be created by the development £3,483
Site area no more than 1 hectare £578 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof)
Site area between 1 and 5 hectares £624 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof)
Site area more than 5 hectares £30,860 plus £186 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof) in excess of 5 hectares. Maximum total of £405,000.

Applications other than building works

Application type Application type/area Fee
Car park, service roads, or other accesses (for existing uses) For existing uses £293
Waste (Use of land for disposal of refuse or waste materials or deposit of material remaining after extraction or storage of minerals)
Application type/area Fee
Site area is no more than 15 hectares £316 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof)
Site area is more than 15 hectares £47,161 plus £186 for each additional hectare (or part thereof) in excess of 15 hectares. Maximum total of £105,300
Application type/area Fee
Site area is no more than 7.5 hectares £686 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof)
Site area is more than 7.5 hectares £51,395 plus £204 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof) in excess of 7.5 hectares. Maximum total of £405,000.
Operations (other than exploratory drilling) for the winning and working of oil or natural gas
Application type/area Fee
Site area is no more than 15 hectares £347 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof)
Site area is more than 15 hectares £52,002 plus £204 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof) in excess of 15 hectares. Maximum total of £105,300.
Other operations (winning and working of minerals) excluding oil and natural gas
Application type/area Fee
Site area is no more than 15 hectares £316 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof)
Site area is more than 15 hectares £47,161 plus £186 for each 0.1 hectare in excess of 15 hectares. Maximum total of £405,000.
Other operations (not coming within any of the above categories)
Application type Fee
Miscellaneous £293 for each 0.1 hectare (or part thereof). Maximum total of £2,535.
Developments involving more than one category
Application type Request a quote
Involving more than one category of development For a quote on the correct planning fee email [email protected]

Adverts are grouped into three categories:

  • exceptions – advertisements that do not require advertisement consent
  • deemed consent – those advertisements that require consent, but provided they fall within certain criteria can be displayed without having to apply to the local planning authority
  • express consent – an application for express consent must be made to the local planning authority on the forms provided and is subject to a fee

Applications for advertisement consent can be considered only in the interests of 'amenity' and 'public safety'.

We may not impose any limitation or restriction on the subject matter, content or design of an advertisement, except in the interests of public safety or amenity.

Application type Fee
Consent to display an advertisement relating to the business on the premises £165
Consent to display advance signs which are not situated on or visible from the site, directing the public to a business £165
Consent to display an advertisement – other £578

Change of use

The use of land and buildings is split into various categories known as 'use classes'. A 'change of use' can occur within the same use class or from one use class to another.

Below are the application fees for:

  • the change of use of a building to 1 or more separate dwellinghouses
  • other changes of use of a building or land
Type Fee
No more than 10 dwellinghouses £578 per dwelling
Between 10 and 50 dwellinghouses £624 per dwelling
More than 50 total dwellinghouses £30,860 plus £186 for each unit in excess of 50. Maximum total of £405,000.
Other changes of use of a building or land £578

Other application types


  • listed building consent
  • tree works
  • permission in principle
  • lawful development certificates
  • minerals and waste
Application type Fee
Permission in principle – an alternative route to permission, but must meet certain requirements £503 per 0.1 hectare of land
Listed building consent – consent for alterations or demolition of a listed building Exempt from fees
Lawful development certificate (existing) – for an existing use or operation or activity £293 or relevant full application fee
Lawful development certificate (proposed) – for a proposed use or operation or activity 50% of full application fee
Approval of reserved matters – following outline approval Full application fee or £578 if already paid
Removal or variation of condition – removal or variation of a condition following grant of planning permission £293
Approval of details reserved by condition – approval of details reserved by condition £43 per request (householder)£145 per request (other)
Technical details consent – submission of technical details relating to a permission in principle Full application fee
Non-material amendment – amend an application that has already been determined £43 (householder)£293 (other)
Application for tree works – works to trees subject to a preservation order (TPO) or in a Conservation Area Exempt from fees

Notification or prior approval

This is where you're telling us about a development you would like to do or asking for prior approval for a development.

We can still refuse permission after you've notified us.

View the summarised fees below, or download the fees table including a full explanation of the type of development (PDF, 258 KB)

Development within the curtilage of a dwelling

Regulation Type Fee
Part 1, Class A Larger home extensions £120
Part 1, Class AA Enlargement of a dwellinghouse by construction of additional storeys £120

Change of use

Regulation Change of use (from) Change of use (to) Fee
Part 3, Class A Casino, betting office payday loan shop, or hot food takeaway Commercial, business and service None
Part 3, Class G Commercial, business and service, betting office or payday loan shop Mixed use None
Part 3, Class M Certain uses (launderette, betting office, payday loan shop, hot food takeaway, or specified mixed use) Dwellinghouses £120 or

£258 if it includes building operations associated with the change of use
Part 3, Class MA Commercial, business and service uses Dwellinghouses £125 per dwelling
Part 3, Class N Specific sui generis uses (for example amusement arcade, casino) Dwellinghouses £120 or

£258 if it includes building operations associated with the change of use
Part 3, Class O Offices Dwellinghouses £120 or

£258 if it includes building operations associated with the change of use
Part 3, Class P Storage or distribution centre Dwellinghouses £120 or

£258 if it includes building operations associated with the change of use
Part 3, Class PA Premises in light industrial use Dwellinghouses £120 or

£258 if it includes building operations associated with the change of use
Part 3, Class Q Agricultural buildings Dwellinghouses £120 or

£258 if it includes building operations associated with the change of use
Part 3, Class R Agricultural buildings Flexible commercial use £120
Part 3, Class S Agricultural buildings State-funded school £120
Part 3, Class T Commercial, business and service, hotels (etc) State-funded school £120

Temporary uses

Regulation Type of temporary use Fee
Part 4, Class BB Moveable structures for historic visitor attractions and listed pubs, restaurants (etc) £120
Part 4, Class BC Recreational campsites £120
Part 4, Class CA Provision of a state-funded school on previously vacant commercial land £120
Part 4, Class CB Provision of buildings on "school land where the school has a RAAC-affected building “during the 3 year period from 25 October 2023 to 24 October 2026 None
Part 4, Class D Flexible use for 3 years, including commercial, art, museum or library (view the full list on the fees table download PDF, 258 KB) None
Part 4, Class E Film-making £120

Agricultural and forestry

Regulation Type of development Fee
Part 6, Class A Agricultural development on units more than 5 hectares £120
Part 6,, Class B Agricultural development on units of less than 5 hectares £120
Part 6, Class E Forestry £120

Non-domestic extensions, alterations (etc)

Regulation Type of development Fee
Part 7, Class erection or construction of a click-and-collect facility within the curtilage of a shop £120
Part 7, Class M Erection/extensions or alteration of schools, colleges, universities, prisons and hospital buildings £120

Development relating to roads

Regulation Type of development Fee
Part 9, Class D Toll road facilities £120

Heritage and demolition

Regulation Type of development Fee
Part 11, Class B Any building operation consisting of the demolition of a building £120

Renewable energy (including solar panels)

Regulation Type of development Fee
Part 14, Class A Installation or alteration of solar equipment on domestic premises £120
Part 14, Class B Installation, alteration or replacement of solar equipment within the curtilage of a dwellinghouse or block of flats £120
Part 14, Class J Installation or alteration of solar equipment on non-domestic premises £120
Part 14, Class K Installation, alteration or replacement of solar equipment within the curtilage of a building other than a dwellinghouse or block of flats £120
Part 14, Class OA Installation, alteration or replacement of a solar canopy within an area lawfully used as off-street parking other than for a dwellinghouse or a block of flats £120


Regulation Type of development Fee
Part 16, Class A Communications developments £578

Miscellaneous development

Regulation Type of development Fee
Part 18, Class A Miscellaneous development under local or private Acts or Orders:

a) any building, bridge, aqueduct, pier or dam; or
b) a means of access to any highway used by vehicular traffic

Development by the Crown or for national security purposes

Regulation Type of development Fee
Part 19, Class E On or related to an airbase (on Crown land) None
Part 19, Class Q Relating to an emergency None
Part 19, Class QA Relating to a pandemic None
Part 19 Class TA Single living accommodation or non-residential building on a closed defence site £120

Construction of new dwellinghouses

Regulation Type of development Fee
Part 20, Class A On detached blocks of flats £418 (if there are not more than 10)

£451 (if there are between 10 and 50)

£22,309 (if there are more than 50) plus £135 for each in excess of 50 (maximum fee is £405,000)
Part 20, Class AA On detached buildings in commercial or mixed use £418 (if there are not more than 10)

£451 (if there are between 10 and 50)

£22,309 (if there are more than 50) plus
£135 for each in excess of 50 (maximum fee is £405,000)
Part 20, Class AB On terraced buildings in commercial or mixed use £418 (if there are not more than 10)

£451 (if there are between 10 and 50)

£22,309 (if there are more than 50) plus £135 for each in excess of 50 (maximum fee is £405,000)
Part 20, Class AC On terraced buildings in use as dwellinghouses £418 (if there are not more than 10)

£451 (if there are between 10 and 50)

£22,309 (if there are more than 50) plus £135 for each in excess of 50 (maximum fee is £405,000)
Part 20, Class AD On detached buildings in use as dwelling-houses £418 (if there are not more than 10)

£451 (if there are between 10 and 50)

£22,309 (if there are more than 50) plus £135 for each in excess of 50 (maximum fee is £405,000)
Part 20, Class ZA Demolition of buildings (single purpose-built detached block of flats or a B1(a), B1(b) or B1(c) office building) and construction of new dwellinghouses in their place £418 (if there are not more than 10)

£451 (if there are between 10 and 50)

£22,309 (if there are more than 50) plus £135 for each in excess of 50 (maximum fee is £405,000)

Other applications for notification or prior approval

Application type Fee
Hedgerow removal notice Exempt from fees
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas (section 211 notice) Exempt from fees

How to pay

You should pay the fee as part of the application process on the Planning Portal.

If you're applying directly to your local area, you must pay using the relevant payment service below.

For applications for Minerals and Waste development email the Minerals and Waste team on [email protected].