Archaeology services and fees
You can pay for advice, a site visit, or approval of certain documents online.
Contact the archaeology service if you are in any doubt which service you need.
See below for a list of fees for archaeology services offered:
Service includes:
- 1-hour site visit
- confirmation of sign-off normally provided within one day of site visit
- additional time charged at hourly increments, hourly rate of £112
Charge: £245 (including VAT)
Service includes:
- 1 hour desk-based research (may include preparation of a brief, checking WSIs, checking archaeological reports)
- written advice within 20 working days of receipt
- additional time charged at hourly increments, hourly rate of £112
Charge: £167 (including VAT) for minor schemes or £334 (including VAT) for major schemes
Service includes:
- 1 hour desk-based research, may include preparation of a brief, checking WSIs, checking reports
- 1 hour site visit within 10 working days of receipt (subject to client availability)
- written advice within 10 working days of site visit
- additional research or site-visit time charged at hourly increments, hourly rate of £112
Charge: £412 (including VAT) for minor schemes or £579 (including VAT) for major schemes
Service includes:
- for standard archaeology advice service, written response provided within 10 working days of receipt
- for standard advice plus site visit, written response provided within 5 working days of site visit (subject to client availability)
Charge: £620 (including VAT)
Service includes:
- priority site meeting undertaken as a matter of urgency
- written response provided within 5 working days of site visit
Charge: £743 (including VAT)
Remote or digital search (single project use) charge:
- £135 for standard search
- £204 for extended search
- unusually large or complex searches to be individually costed
Priority search (2 working days) charge:
- £68 surcharge to above
Standard searches are those involving no more than 50 monument records or updates of a search undertaken within the past 5 years.
Extended searches are those involving 51-150 monument records.
- £68 for standard search
- £103 for extended search area
- unusually large/complex searches to be individually costed
Printing/photocopying charge:
- £0.11 per sheet
Licence for reproduction of images charge:
- Buckinghamshire Archive rates apply
Remote or digital search (single project use) charge:
- discretionary charge
Visit to HER (in addition to above) charge:
- discretionary charge
Priority search (2 working days) charge:
- discretionary charge
Printing or photocopying charge:
- discretionary charge
Licence for reproduction of images:
- no charge
VAT is not payable on HER searches.
For further details email [email protected]