Buckinghamshire Council Archaeology Service
The Buckinghamshire Council Archaeology Service (BCAS) provides expert advice and guidance to the local planning authorities and other interested parties.
Our mission statement is 'to conserve, enhance, record and promote the historic environment of Buckinghamshire'.
We also maintain the local Historic Environment Record (HER), a database of historical records for Buckinghamshire.
How we can help
We can:
- provide expert advice on archaeology and related matters in regards to any proposed project or planning application
- review and approve Written Schemes of Investigation and site reports
- undertake archaeological site monitoring visits
- provide outreach services to schools, local societies and interest groups
Contact the Archaeology Service if you are in any doubt which service you need.
The government must give permission for any change to or works within Scheduled Monuments. For information and advice, contact Historic England.
Archaeological investigations
The government has planning policies in place to protect heritage assets.
The outcome of your planning application can be affected if your proposed development site:
- is likely to affect a heritage asset
- lies in an area of known archaeological potential
You can find out if this affects your site by going to Buckinghamshire’s Heritage Portal or by viewing our interactive historic environment map.
See our archaeological guidance when carrying out work and our online generic briefs.
Archaeological Notification Areas (ANAs)
Archaeological Notification Areas (ANAs) are areas where there is evidence of archaeological remains.
Our notification map shows all current ANAs.
The boundary of each ANA is subject to change. This can be due to new evidence or re-interpretation of existing information.
Archaeological considerations may also be encountered outside notification areas, particularly for larger developments.
Contact us if you are unsure about archaeological requirements for a site.
Solent-Thames archaeological framework
This framework surveyed and characterised all aspects of the rich and diverse past of the Solent-Thames area, from the Palaeolithic period to the present day.
Read more about the Solent-Thames framework.
Follow us
Contact us
You can contact us by:
- calling us on 01296 382705
- emailing us at [email protected]