Archaeology Enforcement Policy January 2022
Supporting documentation
"A future for our past": The Buckinghamshire Archaeological Management Plan 2000.
European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage 1992 (the "Valletta Convention")
Chartered Institute for Archaeologists Code of Conduct.
Chartered Institute for Archaeologists. Standards and Guidance on desk-based assessment, field evaluation, excavation, watching brief and building investigation and recording.
CIfA regulations, standards and guidelines
National Planning Policy Framework July 2021. 16: Conserving and enhancing the historic environment
Appendix 1: Identifying and reporting non-compliance from a developer
If a developer is reported not complying to planning policy, we'll:
- contact the planning service
- visit the site (if appropriate)
If we confirm non-compliance, we'll:
- identify remediation
- advise and agree with the planning service
If we identify the need for remediation and the developer does not accept it, we'll need to decide if there is ongoing damage or an imminent threat:
- if further harm or threat is identified we'll consider recommending a Stop Notice or Injunction
- if no further harm or threat is identified we'll consider an enforcement or breach of condition notice or injunction
If at any stage we conclude non-compliance has not occurred, we’ll inform the reporter and close the case.
Appendix 2: Identifying and reporting non-compliance from an archaeological contractor
If a contractor is not adhering to an approved project plan or best practice, we'll:
- contact the archaeological contractor’s manager
- confirm and document the facts
- visit the site (if appropriate)
If we confirm non-compliance, we'll:
- consider if there has been a breach of the CIfA Code of Conduct
- identify remediation within a set timetable
- consider the track record of the contractor
If we identify an ongoing concern with a contractor, we'll:
- report our concerns to CIfA
- advise the contractor that a track record of non-compliance can be taken into account in determining suitability to undertake work in the future
If at any stage we conclude non-compliance has not occurred, we’ll inform the reporter and close the case.
CIfA – Chartered Institute for Archaeologists