Buckinghamshire Council Archaeology Service (BCAS) generic brief for an archaeological geophysical survey

Last updated: 18 August 2021

6. Project design – written scheme of investigation

  • The project's objectives
  • Reason for the project and commissioning body
  • The location of the area(s) to be surveyed and any constraints (to be shown on a plan)
  • Geology and topography
  • Survey methodology
  • Reporting and archiving arrangements
  • Procedures for project management (to follow the principles set out in Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment (MoRPHE) (English Heritage, 2015))
  • The expertise of the project team. The project manager should be a named Member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (MCIfA) who is adequately qualified to manage the required archaeological work in line with the guidance set out in the CIFA code of conduct or can demonstrate an equivalent level of competence. The composition and experience of the project team should be described. In appropriate circumstances, less experienced staff may conduct work under the supervision of more experienced colleagues
  • An outline of the proposed timetable and staff resources - this must be non-binding and presented "for information only"