Generic brief for an archaeological evaluation (trial trenching)

Last updated: 1 July 2023

7. Post-excavation methodology

  • A non-technical summary
  • The objectives of the project
  • The circumstances and date at which it was undertaken
  • The identity of the organisation and individuals carrying out the work (in particular the names of the project director, site supervisor and any specialists)
  • A summary written account of the evaluation strategy and the results of the project with appropriate supporting illustrations
  • A site location plan at 1:2500 or 1:10000 as appropriate
  • A gazetteer, referenced summary, and location plan (at 1:2500 or 1:10 000) of all previously known and newly discovered sites within or adjacent to the evaluation site.
  • A 1:2500 or 1:10,000 scale plan indicating areas surveyed by each method; present land use; geology and topography
  • A summary of physical and health and safety constraints
  • A conclusion, including a confidence rating
  • An index to and the proposed location of the archive, including an accession number
  • References

b) Reports on evaluations which identified significant archaeological remains should also include:

  • Detailed description and plans (at appropriate scales) of any surveys or trial trenches which provided significant archaeological information
  • Finds quantification and assessment
  • Environmental archaeology assessment
  • A summary of the extent, depth and state of preservation of archaeological deposits across the site. For large urban sites, a "deposit model" (Ove Arup, 1991) will usually be necessary
  • Where more than one technique has been used, the report should integrate the results of the trenching with the previous survey work
    1. In addition:
  • All plans should be clearly related to the national grid
  • All levels should be quoted relative to ordnance datum
  • If a report includes assessments of archaeological importance or recommendations for further work these will be noted but will not be binding on the Council Archaeological Service

Submission of the report:

    1. One hard copy and one pdf of the final report should be supplied to the County Historic Environment Record. A copy of any specialist papers relating to the project should also be supplied to the Council Archaeology Service. Shapefiles of trench locations/excavation areas would also be welcomed by the HER.
    2. One copy of the report should also be supplied to the local planning authority, if appropriate.
    3. Reports submitted in support of planning applications are automatically considered to be public documents and will be made available for public consultation through the Historic Environment Record. Other reports will also be treated as a public document unless specifically identified as being confidential. Where a report is so identified then confidentiality should apply for an agreed period not normally exceeding 12 months from its submission to BCAS.