Generic brief for an archaeological watching brief or small-scale investigation
12. Outreach and Public Benefit
BCAS expect all WSIs to include a commitment to outreach, and for all contractors and consultants to aim to share the findings of their work wherever possible.
Some suggested approaches are outlined below;
- a site Open Day
- a targeted invite to a local archaeology society for a site tour or talk to a local group or museum. Society details can be found in the Contacts Section;
- a visit to a local primary school to share findings as part of the KS2 National Curriculum offerings on history National Curriculum - History key stages 1 to 2 (
- a blog post for our council archaeology blog post Heritage and Archaeology | Buckinghamshire Council
- social media updates
- a leaflet drop to nearby residents with a summary overview of what you are doing, why, and a brief description of what’s been found to date
- Participation in a wider event, such as the Festival of Archaeology or Bucks Open Weekend Festival of Archaeology Council for British Archaeology ( Bucks Open Weekend - Visit Buckinghamshire
- Short term loan of appropriate items to the Discover Bucks Museum to tie in with any press releases