Generic brief for an archaeological watching brief or small-scale investigation

Last updated: 1 July 2023

5. Project design - 'written scheme of investigation'

Archaeological watching briefs or small-scale investigations must be undertaken in accordance with the Standard and Guidance for archaeological watching briefs published by the Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA, 2014).

The project must be governed by a project design which has been agreed in writing by the Council Archaeology Service (Written Scheme of Investigation or WSI). The WSI must be contractor specific. Whilst we will accept WSIs from consultants to inform the scope, the final document must be produced by the appointed contractor.

The WSI or project design should be based on a thorough study of all relevant background information (especially assessment and evaluation reports, historic maps and data held or referenced in the HER). Please note that online platforms such as Buckinghamshire’s Heritage Portal and MAGIC are not licenced for commercial work.

It should conform to the requirements set out in paragraph 3.2.12 of the CIfA guidelines and should in particular include:

  • an archaeological background, utilising an up to date Historic Environment Record search. This data must be obtained direct from the Buckinghamshire HER team, and is licenced for a specified time to a specific organisation. Data which is not covered by the licencing terms and conditions must not be used.
  • the project's objectives
  • the location of the area to be monitored
  • procedures for project management (to follow the principles set out in Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment (MoRPHE) (Historic England 2015)
  • the expertise of the project team. The project manager should ideally be a named Member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (MCIfA) who is adequately qualified to manage the required archaeological work in line with the guidance set out in the CIfA code of conduct or can demonstrate an equivalent level of competence. The composition and experience of the project team should be described. Specialists should be identified where required (for example for building survey). In some cases it will also be necessary to identify academic advisors. CVs should be supplied outlining the relevant qualifications and experience of key personnel - where relevant this should include specific reference to knowledge of particular periods and local/ regional traditions. Note: Specialists should be able to demonstrate a relevant qualification and track record of at least 3 years continuous relevant work (or equivalent) and appropriate publication. In appropriate circumstances, less experienced staff may conduct work under the supervision of well-established and widely recognised specialists
  • an outline of the proposed timetable and staff resources. Whilst this can in general be non-binding and presented "for information only", a final confirmed maximum timeframe of 18 months of the completion of the field work should be included, unless a revised completion date is agreed in writing with BCAS.
  • reporting arrangements - see Section 7
  • archiving arrangements - see Section 11