Generic brief for an archaeological watching brief or small-scale investigation

Last updated: 1 July 2023

8. Publication

For all projects, a summary report (including illustrations where appropriate) should be sent to the editors of South Midlands Archaeology and Records of Buckinghamshire not later than three months after the end of the calendar year in which the work is undertaken. In this case publication of above and below ground archaeology should be integrated.

For projects which have produced results of significant county, regional or national importance, an illustrated final report which meets the guidelines set out in MAP2 Appendix 7 and is suitable for publication in an approved archaeological journal (normally Records of Buckinghamshire) should be provided to the Council Archaeology Service within one year of the completion of fieldwork (unless a longer time period has been agreed in the updated project design). The overall content of the report should be agreed with the Council Archaeology Service. The report should be clearly referenced in all respects to all work on the site, evaluation, excavation, watching briefs, building recording, background research including aerial photography etc, in order that a coherent picture may be presented. It should place the site in its local archaeological, historical and topographical context and include a clear location map. Each plan included should clearly relate to some other included plan of an appropriate scale and should normally include national grid references.

One bound copy of the final publication and a digital copy, in pdf format, must be supplied to the County Historic Environment Record. A further offprint should accompany the archive. A copy of any specialist papers relating to the site should also be supplied to the Council Archaeology Service.

A publication grant should be provided to the publishers of the report in accordance with their requirements