Comment on or object to a planning application

Anyone can comment on a planning application. You do not need to be a neighbour, or to be involved in the building project.

Register for an account to comment

You will need to register for an account on Public Access to:

  • comment on applications
  • keep track of particular applications
  • get email notifications about how applications are progressing

Log in to Public Access to leave your comments

Visit the Public Access site that the application you want to comment on relates to:

You will then be able to login using your credentials, find the relevant application and leave a comment.

For more guidance view our guide to using Public Access.


Make sure that you get your comments in before the deadline.

This is normally 21 days from the publication date of the notice.

Publishing your comments

Your comments, including your name and address, will be published on Public Access.

Our privacy statement has more information about commenting on planning applications.

How we consider your comments

Our planning officers can only take into account comments that can broadly be categorised as being in the public interest.

They cannot take into account comments that:

  • represent private interests
  • are already being taken into account through existing legislation

If you comment on a planning application, you might be able to speak at the Planning Committee when it’s considered. Read the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) to find out how the council consults on planning decisions.