How to use Public Access

Last updated: 29 July 2024

Public Access terms of use

Public Access is our online system for planning, building control and licensing applications.

By using Public Access you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions on this page.

Data protection and availability of online documents

Any comments received will be made available in full for inspection at our offices on request. They will also be published in full on Public Access.

We will obscure areas of documents that relate to signatures, phone numbers or email addresses where these are published online. However, it is possible that we may miss something. If you notice something that causes concern, then please contact us.

If you are submitting comments online, there are some simple steps that you can take to protect your data:

  • do not include personal information, other than your name and address within the body of your letter or email. Signatures on paper representations will be obscured online
  • there is no need to sign your representation if submitting electronically, although your name and address must form part of the document
  • if commenting by email, send your representation as an attachment to an email, this will ensure your email address is not published. Please ensure that your name and address remains

Licence agreement

The Public Access website is owned and operated by us. Set out below are the terms and conditions which, together with any legal notices displayed elsewhere on Public Access, represent all the terms and conditions on which we will provide you with access to the datasets compiled and maintained by Local Government Information House Limited (the “National Datasets”) and/or datasets complied and maintained by the Council (the "Authority Datasets") associated with the use of the National Land and Property Gazetteer and the National Street Gazetteer. Your continued use of Public Access indicates your acceptance to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, please cease using Public Access.

The terms and conditions for this licence agreement are as follows:

  1. The Authority datasets are associated with the use of the National Land and Property Gazetteer and the National Street Gazetteer. Information displayed throughout Public Access is extracted from a copyright work owned by the Local Government Information House Limited and Buckinghamshire Council.
  2. A single screen print of the results of a search of the Authority datasets is permitted for your own use.
  3. You may not extract or reuse information derived from the Authority Datasets and/or any copies of such information (whether electronic or in hard copy format) for any commercial or business purpose including but not limited to, trading, building commercial databases, reselling or redistribution of such information.
  4. You are not permitted to modify, adapt, arrange, alter, adjust or make any additions to any information derived from the Authority Datasets, nor are you permitted to combine such information with other mapping, data or other information, including for the avoidance of doubt, other such information derived from Public Access.
  5. Save as permitted by paragraph 2 above, the reproduction, copying, downloading, storage, recording, broadcasting, retransmission, distribution, decompilation, reverse-engineering or disassembly of any part of Public Access is not permitted without our prior written consent.
  6. It is your responsibility to ensure that any information derived from the Authority Datasets is not made available, either in electronic unencrypted form or in hard copy format, to any third party that may attempt to use the map in contravention of these terms and conditions.
  7. You must inform us immediately if you become aware of a third party using information derived from the Authority Datasets in contravention of these terms and conditions or of any infringement of trade marks located on Public Access.
  8. We shall have no liability to any person or organisation in respect of any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the use of the information contained on Public Access.
  9. We take every reasonable effort to ensure that information contained on Public Access is as accurate as possible. However, the services featured on Public Access are provided "as is", and all warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded. We shall not be liable to you for any indirect or consequential loss (whether for loss of profit, loss of business, depletion of goodwill or otherwise), costs, expense or other claims for consequential compensation whatsoever (howsoever caused) which arise out of or in connection with your use of Public Access.

Data protection

For information on how we collect, process and share your information, read our privacy policy.


Buckinghamshire Council seeks to ensure that the information it publishes on its web site is up to date and accurate. However, the information on the web site does not constitute legal or professional advice and the Council cannot accept any liability for any loss arising in any way whatsoever out of the use of its site. The Council cannot be held responsible for the data policies, procedures or contents of any pages references by an external link from its site.

Plans, drawings and material submitted to the Council are protected by the Copyright Acts (Section 47, 1988 Act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

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