Public inquiry: Gomm Valley, Ashwells Reserve Site & Pimms Grove, Cock Lane, High Wycombe
On 5 March 2024, the Planning Inspectorate will start its Public Inquiry into the planning application for hybrid planning application consisting of a phased delivery of: full planning application for construction of 79 dwellings (Class C3) including associated vehicular access, areas of open space, ecological enhancements, hard and soft landscaping, and associated infrastructure.
Outline application for 4 custom-build units within Parcel 1 and up to 461 dwellings (Class C3), a 1FE primary school and early years provision, up to 1.4 hectares of employment land to provide flexible floorspace of Class E(g), B2 and B8 uses and up to 201m² of community floorspace (Class F2) within Parcels 2 to 8 together with ecological enhancements, green open spaces, hard and soft landscaping and associated highways and drainage infrastructure (matters of landscaping and appearance reserved).
The application is to be determined by an Inspector on behalf of the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.
Planning application reference: 22/06485/OUTEA
Planning appeal reference: 23/00067/NONDET
Planning Inspectorate reference: APP/K0425/W/23/3332257
Attending the inquiry event
The Public Inquiry is scheduled to close on Tuesday 21 May 2024.
For the last 2 days (Monday 20 May and Tuesday 21 May), this inquiry will be held in-person at The HUB.
The HUB is currently completing refurbishment works to the front of the building, so there is a different entrance than usual.
To access The HUB:
- go to Level 1 of Easton Street Multi-Storey Car Park
- go through the sliding doors on the left hand side
The address is:
Union Baptist Church
Easton Street
High Wycombe
HP11 1NJ
Available documents
Please ensure you have viewed and/or downloaded copies of the core documents and inquiry documents you plan to refer to. Please be patient, as some file sizes are large. View the core documents and inquiry documents.
All other general correspondence and application-related documents are available on Public Access.
If you have problems viewing the content of the documents, email and quote ‘Gomm Valley Inquiry' in the subject line.