Public inquiry: Land North of Brandon Close, Aston Clinton

On 20 August 2024 the Planning Inspectorate will start its public inquiry for the Outline Planning Application for Residential development for up to 93 dwellings with all matters reserved apart from access.

Planning application reference: 22/03943/AOP
Planning appeal reference: 24/00028/REF
Planning Inspectorate reference: APP/J0405/W/24/3342894

Attending the inquiry event

The inquiry will be held in-person in the Diamond Room at The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF.

If you encounter any problems attending in-person to give your views, email [email protected] with ‘Land North of Brandon Close’ in the subject line.

We will send you instructions for how to join the Microsoft Teams (online) meeting.

Available documents

If you are taking part via Microsoft Teams, ensure you've downloaded copies of the core documents and inquiry documents you plan to refer to.

Some file sizes are large and may take longer to download.

View the Core documents and Inquiry Documents.

All other general correspondence and application-related documents are available on Public Access.


Some inquiry documents may not be fully accessible.

If you have problems viewing the content in the documents, email [email protected] with ‘Land North of Brandon Close' in the subject line.