Public inquiry: Land Adjacent South Side Marlow Road and A404 Junction, Westhorpe Park, Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire (also known as Marlow Film Studios)

On 21 January 2025, the Planning Inspectorate will start its Public Inquiry into the planning application for:

full planning permission for production space and supporting buildings for screen-based media and associated services/industries. The development of approximately 168,718 sqm GEA total floorspace comprising : sound stages, workshops , office accommodation, studio hub associated outdoor space such as backlots and unit bases; entrance structures and reception; security infrastructure, mobility hub; cafes; parking; bridge; incidental supporting buildings; associated infrastructure; public art; upgraded vehicular access onto Marlow Road; new cycle and pedestrian accesses; a new cultural/educational/recreational building; a new community building and associated landscaping, publicly accessible recreational land and ecological and environmental enhancements/habitat creation

On 8 October 2024, the Local Planning Authority was informed that although under the Town and Country Planning (Determination of Appeals by Appointed Persons) (Prescribed Classes) Regulations 1997, the appeal was to have been decided by an Inspector, the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government considers that she should determine it herself.

Accordingly, in exercise of her powers under section 79 and paragraph 3 of Schedule 6 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the Secretary of State hereby directs that she shall determine this appeal instead of an Inspector. This means that instead of writing a decision, the Inspector will prepare a report and recommendation, which will be forwarded to the Secretary of State. The reason for this direction is that the appeal involves proposals for development of major importance having more than local significance, proposals which raise important or novel issues of development control and proposals for significant development in the Green Belt.

Details of the inquiry

The Secretary of State has given notice that their Inspector, K McDonald MSc, MRTPI, has been appointed to hold the Inquiry.

The Inquiry has been set to commence on Tuesday 21 January 2025 at 10:00am and is anticipated to last for 17 days, but the duration is not fixed and will depend on how the evidence emerges.

Planning application reference: 22/06443/FULEA
Planning appeal reference: 24/00061/REF
Planning Inspectorate reference: APP/K0425/W/24/3351904

Attending or watching the inquiry

The inquiry will be held in High Wycombe and live-streamed online.

It will not be held on Mondays (excluding the final day for closing submissions).

The dates are currently set as:

  • Tuesday 21 January to Friday 24 January
  • Tuesday 28 January to Friday 31 January
  • Tuesday 4 February to Friday 7 February
  • Tuesday 11 February to Friday 14 February
  • Monday 24 February (closing submissions, only being held online)

The inquiry is expected to adjourn by 5pm (Tuesday to Thursday) and 1pm on Fridays.

Most of the inquiry will be held at Albert House. The address is:

Planning Inquiries Suite
Second Floor, Albert House
Queen Victoria Road
High Wycombe
HP11 1BB

Albert House is behind the Council's main reception building.

Follow the path around to the rear of the site. The building will be signposted throughout the duration of the Inquiry.

The closing submissions are only being held online.

Watch the inquiry online

We will be live-streaming the inquiry and will add the link here by Monday 20 January.

View the documents

Ensure you have viewed or downloaded copies of the core documents and inquiry documents you plan to refer to.

Some file sizes are large and may take longer to download.

View the core documents and inquiry documents.

You can view all other general correspondence and application-related documents on Public Access.

If you are having problems with the above link, please visit the Public Access site and type the reference number 22/06443/FULEA.


If you have problems viewing the content of the documents, email [email protected] with ‘Marlow Film Studios Inquiry' in the subject line.