Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
How you can get involved in the preparation of Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)
There are three types of SPD that the council prepares:
- Site or area specific (for example Development Briefs)
- Design Guidance
- Topic based policy guidance (for example affordable housing)
The process of preparing SPDs is simpler than that of Local Plans because they are not subject to public examination.
The process involves:
- Early engagement and preparation of a draft SPD
- Consultation on the draft SPD
- Adoption
Early engagement and preparation of a draft SPD
We will:
- identify specific groups and individuals who are likely to have an interest in what the SPD will say
- undertake a targeted engagement process with those groups and individuals to explore issues and options
- produce a draft statement of consultation setting out who we have engaged with in preparing the draft SPD, the issues raised and how we have addressed those issues
We may:
- invite views from the general public through surveys or by notifications on our website inviting comments or through social media channels
Consultation on the draft of the SPD
We will:
- publish the draft SPD for consultation on our website, together with the required supporting documentation and make paper copies available to view at the main council offices
- issue a press release telling people about the consultation
We may:
- make paper copies of the draft consultation SPD and supporting documentation available at other council offices or the main libraries, as appropriate
- produce further publicity such as posters, leaflets or newsletters
- hold exhibitions, workshops or forums, face-to-face or online
- use social media to inform people that the consultation is taking place
After the consultation
We will:
- consider the representations received
- update the statement of consultation document, setting out the main issues raised and how we have addressed those
- amend the SPD, where we consider that it is appropriate to do so, to reflect the point raised in the representation
SPD adoption
We will:
- publish the adopted document, the amended consultation statement and adoption statement by making them available to view at the main council offices, and on the council’s website; and
- send a copy of the Adoption Statement directly to those who asked to be notified.
We may:
- issue a press release;
- make paper copies of the adopted document available at other council offices and appropriate libraries; and
- use social media.