Building in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)
The Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is a landscape of national and international importance. The area includes a complex suite of geological and ecological features, some of which are extremely rare, including:
- a steep chalk escarpment
- flower-rich downland
- broadleaved woodlands (especially beech)
- commons
- tranquil valleys
- a network of ancient routes
- villages with brick and flint houses
- globally rare chalk streams
- a rich historic environment of hill forts and chalk figures
The Chilterns Conservation Board is the public body established to conserve and enhance the AONB.
We carefully consider all proposals for development within the Chilterns AONB and will not permit any development that would cause unacceptable harm to its natural beauty.
AONBs represent areas of the highest scenic quality and they should have equal status with National Parks in terms of landscape. The main purpose of AONB designation is the conservation of the natural beauty of the landscape.
You can view a map showing all AONBs using our quick map search tool.
To find out if you live in the Chilterns AONB follow these steps:
- View the Wycombe Area Map and select ‘OK’
- Select ‘Planning Policy’ on the left
- Select the box next to ‘Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty’ and search for (or find) your property
- You may need to zoom out to view the area
Building in the Chilterns AONB
Planning proposals in the AONB are assessed carefully to ensure there is no adverse impact on the AONB. Before considering any development in the AONB we strongly encourage that you use our Planning Advice Service.
Development within the Chilterns AONB must:
- conserve and enhance its natural beauty
- be appropriate to the economic and social wellbeing of local communities in the AONB or promote its understanding and enjoyment
- deliver high-quality design that respects the natural beauty and built heritage of the Chilterns and enhances the sense of place and local character
Proposals also need to consider relevant planning policy including:
- local development plans
- the Chilterns AONB Management Plan (2019-2024)
- the Chilterns Building Design Guide
Depending on your proposal you may also need to provide a landscape and visual impact assessment (LVIA) for any significant proposals within the AONB or its surrounding areas.
Use our planning advice service to see if you are required to submit an LVIA.
Building near the Chilterns AONB
Development near to the Chilterns AONB can also have a positive or negative impact on the area's natural beauty and special qualities.
We have a duty of regard to ensure development outside the AONB does not have a negative impact on land inside the AONB. For example, a development in the surround areas could block key visitor viewpoints from inside the AONB.
We will refuse planning consent if we decide your proposed development would harm the AONB, unless this harm is outweighed by other land use planning benefits. We will take into account the scale of harm and the significance of the landscape.
For guidance on proposals that affect the setting of the AONB see: