Landscape policy
The Buckinghamshire landscape is protected and enhanced by:
National Planning Policy Framework
The National Planning Policy Framework requires the council to work across administrative boundaries to ensure the conservation and enhancement of the landscape. This includes identifying and protecting areas of tranquillity. It also encourages sustainable development to be well sited and of a good design quality that responds to local character and protects and enhances valued landscapes. The framework also mitigates adverse effects through good design, ensuring development addresses the connection between people and place and is integrated into the environment.
Landscape designations
Approximately half of the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is within Buckinghamshire. The AONB is a national landscape designation, which aims to protect the beauty of the best nationally valued landscapes. The protection is covered by legislation and is reflected in national and local planning policies. The Chilterns Conservation Board has a management plan that aims to safeguard its special qualities and manage change.
Landscape character assessments (LCAs)
In contrast to landscape designations, LCAs look at all landscapes from degraded and industrial areas to special places.
Landscape policies in local development documents should refer to these evidence bases. LCAs encourage sensitive siting and the design of development that minimises harm to the character and the valued qualities of Buckinghamshire’s landscapes.
Guidelines set down within Buckinghamshire’s LCAs encourage landowners to maintain and enhance local landscapes in a way that sustains landscape character and quality for future generations.
Local landscape designations (LLDs)
Local landscape designations are a well-established and valued approach to protecting and guiding change in areas of particular landscape importance.
In Buckinghamshire there are two types:
- areas of attractive landscape (AALs)
- local landscape areas (LLAs)
The Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan defines the appropriate AALs and LLAs for particular conservation and enhancement opportunities.
Contact the Planning Policy Team
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01296 383 698