Watercourses and their corridors should be considered early on as part of the planning process. Use of this guidance will be a key requirement for all development proposals adjacent to and/or containing watercourses and their corridors (see VALP Policy I5)
Developments should be in accordance with the development plan and planning policies relevant to watercourses and the natural environment
Developments should contribute towards helping a waterbody reach ‘good’ ecological status under the Water Framework Directive and must not cause a deterioration of, or prevent a waterbody from achieving this (See VALP Policy I5 (a))
Developments should deliver Biodiversity Net Gains (see VALP Policy NE1 (c))
Developments must be compliant with all necessary legislation covering protected sites, habitats and species
Developments must take precautions to ensure that no invasive non-native species are introduced, and if already present ensure they are not allowed to spread (see VALP Policy NE1 (c) and (h))
Developments must have the necessary permits and consents for works, on or near watercourses from the relevant consenting body
Developments shall provide or retain a minimum 10m ecological buffer zone to watercourses unless existing physical constraints prevent. A long-term landscape and ecological management plan is required for this buffer (see VALP Policy NE2)
Developments should seek opportunities to re-naturalise the river channel and restore bankside and instream habitats (see VALP Policy NE2 and NE1 (h))
Developments must not involve the culverting of watercourses and should actively pursue de-culverting opportunities (see VALP Policy NE2)
Developments providing pond complexes to achieve biodiversity net gain or enhancements or that are creating sustainable drainage systems (see VALP Policy NE2 and I5) should utilise best practice guidance (The Pond Creation Toolkit)
Developments should reconnect rivers with their floodplains and where biodiversity net gains or enhancement is required, create habitats such as wetlands, scrapes and backwaters (see VAP Policies NE1, NE2, I4)
Developments should avoid pollution by incorporating mitigation or design solutions during and after construction. Consult the Environment Agency for advice on measures necessary to prevent pollution of surface and ground water (see VALP Policy I4 o-u and NE5)