Watercourse advice note (Aylesbury Vale area)
6. Appendices
Appendix 1: VALP Policy NE2 River and Stream Corridors
Policy section | Details |
9.17 |
The river network of Aylesbury Vale has considerable ecological and amenity value, and the Local Plan should include policy to ensure the protection and enhancement of its watercourses (see Forward to 2020 Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Biodiversity Action Plan, 2014). |
9.18 |
A watercourse advice note for Aylesbury Vale is in the process of being produced by a partnership of organisations including, amongst others, Buckinghamshire Council and the Environment Agency. The advice note will guide planning applications in line with the following policy. |
NE2 River and stream corridors
Development proposals must not have an adverse impact on the functions and setting of any watercourse and its associated corridor. They should conserve and enhance the biodiversity, landscape and consider the recreational value of the watercourse and its corridor through good design. Opportunities for de-culverting of watercourses should be actively pursued. Planning permission will only be granted for proposals which do not involve the culverting of watercourses and which do not prejudice future opportunities for de-culverting. Development proposals adjacent to or containing a watercourse shall provide or retain a 10m ecological buffer (unless existing physical constraints prevent) from the top of the watercourse bank and the development, and include a long-term landscape and ecological management plan for this buffer.
Appendix 2: Map of Watercourses in the Aylesbury Vale Area of Buckinghamshire (2022)

Map showing the main watercourses in the Aylesbury Vale area of Buckinghamshire (2022)