Community Infrastructure Levy

How CIL is calculated

The CIL is charged at a flat rate per square metre, which differs depending on the type of development and the charging area.

Within Buckinghamshire Council, two different CIL charging schedules have been adopted - one in the former Wycombe area, and one in the former Chiltern and South Bucks areas.

Aylesbury Vale does not currently have a CIL charging schedule. This is currently under review.

We calculate the floor area that CIL is payable on by measuring the gross internal area (or GIA) of new developments excluding the external walls.

All new build areas, including garages, are included.

Floor areas that are to be demolished can be deducted from the CIL chargeable area.

These areas can only be deducted if they have been in their lawful use for a continuous period of at least 6 months in the previous 3 years from when the planning permission is granted.

Find out more about how CIL is calculated on

Read more about Guidance for Parish and Town Councils on receiving and use of CIL funds.

CIL Instalment Policies

Depending on the schedule in place in your area and the CIL charge applicable, you may be able to pay in instalments.

View our area specific policies:

2025 CIL rates

The rates shown below apply to planning applications granted permission between 1 January 2025 and 31 December 2025.

If you would like to know the rates for planning applications granted permission in a previous year, contact the relevant area:

  • if the development falls under the former Wycombe Area (West) contact [email protected]
  • if the development falls under the former Chiltern and South Bucks Areas (East and South) contact [email protected]

Our detailed 2025 CIL Annual Rate Summary can be found here: CIL Annual Rates Summary 2025.

To view the rates for applications decided in 2023 and 2024, see 2023 CIL fees and 2024 CIL fees.

CIL rates summary 2025: West Area (former Wycombe district)
Type of development CIL charge per square metre
Residential Zone A (High Wycombe, Lane End, Stokenchurch) £218.19
Residential Zone B (rest of district) £261.83
Convenience based supermarkets and superstores and retail warehousing (net retail selling space of over 280 sqm) £349.11
All other retail A1 to A5
Sui generis uses akin to retail (includes petrol filling stations, shops selling and/or displaying motor vehicles, retail warehouse clubs)
All other development including B, C1, C2 and D uses £0.00
CIL rates summary 2025: East and South areas (former Chiltern and South Bucks districts)
Type of development CIL charge per square metre
A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 - finance and professional services, restaurants and cafes, drinking establishments and hot food takeaways £175.60
B1, B2, B8 - business, general industrial, storage or distribution £40.97
C3, C4 - dwelling homes, homes in multiple occupation

(C3 includes all self-contained accommodation, including elderly and sheltered accommodation and self-contained student accommodation)
C1, C2, C2A - hotels, residential institutions, and secure residential institutions £40.97
D1, D2 - non-residential institutions, assembly, and leisure £40.97
Sui generis £40.97
All development types unless stated otherwise in the table of the adopted charging schedule £40.97
Large sites of 400 homes or more (gross) or 10 hectares or more (gross) irrespective of land use

Large sites are defined as any site allocated in an emerging/adopted Local Plan with 400 homes or more (gross) or 10 hectares or more (gross), irrespective of land use and include any parcel within a large site irrespective of the size of the parcel

2024 CIL rates

CIL rates summary 2024: West Area (former Wycombe district)
Type of development CIL charge per square metre
Residential Zone A (High Wycombe, Lane End, Stokenchurch) £212.61
Residential Zone B (rest of district) £255.13
Convenience based supermarkets and superstores and retail warehousing (net retail selling space of over 280 sqm) £340.18
All other retail A1 to A5
Sui generis uses akin to retail (includes petrol filling stations, shops selling and/or displaying motor vehicles, retail warehouse clubs)
All other development including B, C1, C2 and D uses £0.00
CIL rates summary 2024: East and South areas (former Chiltern and South Bucks districts)
Type of development CIL charge per square metre
A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 - finance and professional services, restaurants and cafes, drinking establishments and hot food takeaways £171.11
B1, B2, B8 - business, general industrial, storage or distribution £39.93
C3, C4 - dwelling homes, homes in multiple occupation

(C3 includes all self-contained accommodation, including elderly and sheltered accommodation and self-contained student accommodation)
C1, C2, C2A - hotels, residential institutions, and secure residential institutions £39.93
D1, D2 - non-residential institutions, assembly, and leisure £39.93
Sui generis £39.93
All development types unless stated otherwise in the table of the adopted charging schedule £39.93
Large sites of 400 homes or more (gross) or 10 hectares or more (gross) irrespective of land use

Large sites are defined as any site allocated in an emerging/adopted Local Plan with 400 homes or more (gross) or 10 hectares or more (gross), irrespective of land use and include any parcel within a large site irrespective of the size of the parcel

2023 CIL rates

CIL rates summary 2023: West Area (former Wycombe district)
Type of development CIL charge per square metre
Residential Zone A (High Wycombe, Lane End, Stokenchurch) £198.10
Residential Zone B (rest of district) £237.72
Convenience based supermarkets and superstores and retail warehousing (net retail selling space of over 280 sqm) £316.96
All other retail A1 to A5
Sui generis uses akin to retail (includes petrol filling stations, shops selling and/or displaying motor vehicles, retail warehouse clubs)
All other development including B, C1, C2 and D uses £0.00
CIL rates summary 2023: East and South Areas (former Chiltern and South Bucks districts)
Type of development CIL charge per square metre
A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 - finance and professional services, restaurants and cafes, drinking establishments and hot food takeaways £159.43
B1, B2, B8 - business, general industrial, storage or distribution £37.20
C3, C4 - dwelling homes, homes in multiple occupation
(C3 includes all self-contained accommodation, including elderly and sheltered accommodation and self-contained student accommodation)
C1, C21, C2A - hotels, residential institutions, and secure residential institutions £37.20
D1, D2 - non-residential institutions, assembly, and leisure £37.20
Sui generis £37.20
All development types unless stated otherwise in the table of the adopted charging schedule £37.20
Large sites of 400 homes or more (gross) or 10 hectares or more (gross) irrespective of land use

Large sites are defined as any site allocated in an emerging/adopted Local Plan with 400 homes or more (gross) or 10 hectares or more (gross), irrespective of land use and include any parcel within a large site irrespective of the size of the parcel