Authority Monitoring Report 2020 to 2021
7. Monitoring the policies
7.1 North & Central Areas
The Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP) was adopted in September 2021. To provide accurate information about the performance of its policies, we need to allow at least one financial year to pass. This data will be analysed and presented in the 2022/2023 AMR.
7.2 East Area
The development plan consists of the Local Plan (1997) and Core Strategy (2011). All relevant policies are currently being implemented.
7.3 South Area
The development plan consists of the Local Plan (1999) and Core Strategy (2011). All relevant policies are currently being implemented.
7.4 West Area
The West Area is covered by an up-to-date Local Plan adopted in August 2019. This Plan sets out where the homes will be built, and where new business will be located. It identifies specific sites for development, including how they can be developed to achieve high quality. The Plan also contains policies which are used to direct development to those locations, and to be the ‘rule book’ by which decisions on planning applications are made.
All relevant policies are currently being implemented.