Strategic planning


The council has a strategic planning role that covers national and local levels of spatial planning. This means we're required to have an overarching view of future growth proposals across the county and an understanding of the implications that this will have on residents.

We must balance the need for new development in Buckinghamshire with the protection and enhancement of its environment and quality of life. 

Our responsibility

As the local authority we have a responsibility for:

  • highways
  • transport
  • education
  • various functions that advise on local planning matters including waste management, ecology, public health and adult social care

At a national level we seek to influence the content of:

  • new legislation
  • planning policy
  • guidance
  • other matters relating to central government

We do this by responding to consultations run by government departments, particularly the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government and the Department for Transport.

At the local level we are the minerals and waste planning authority for Buckinghamshire and are responsible for preparing our minerals and waste local plan.

We are also required by the government to have an influencing role over county-wide strategic planning matters with neighbouring local authorities as part of our duty to co-operate (Localism Act 2011).


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