Apply for consent to work on a protected tree

It is illegal to cut down, prune, or damage a tree in a conservation area or one which is protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) without our consent. This can lead to prosecution and a fine and, in serious cases a criminal record.

You can apply to undertake this work by applying for either:

  • an application for tree works (TPO)
  • notification for proposed works to trees in a conservation area (section 211 notice)

If the tree does not have a TPO, and it is not in a conservation area, then you do not need to contact us.

Make an application

If work on the tree is part of a wider planning application, you don't need a separate application to do work on a tree.

We will consider the work to the tree as part of that application.

There is no fee for applications to work on a protected tree or a tree in a conservation area.

Apply on the Planning Portal

Alternatively, you can download and print out the form and guidance notes through the Planning Portal and send them in to us.

Ensure that the details you put down are as clear and precise as possible, otherwise we may have to return your form.

After you apply

It will take 8 weeks from when we get your application to decide if the work can go ahead.

We will check if a tree in a conservation area should be protected by a TPO. This takes 6 weeks from when you contact us.

If we decide the tree should not have a TPO, your work can go ahead.

If a tree is dead or dangerous

If a protected tree, or a tree in a conservation area, is dead or poses imminent danger, you can work on it to make it safe.

You’ll need to contact us at least 5 days before you start any work.

We'll need photographs of the tree or trees, a location plan, and evidence that it is dead or poses an imminent danger. We'll consider your request and let you know if the work can be done.

Email your local area:

You can read more information about Tree Preservation Orders and trees in conservation areas on GOV.UK.

Felling timber

If you're felling or selling quantities of timber you should also check with the Forestry Commission to find out if you need a felling licence.

You can find out more about felling licences and how to apply for one on GOV.UK.

Contact us about trees

For queries or to send in your application form, contact the team: