Choosing an education provider

Choosing the right education provider

It can be very difficult to choose a education provider for your child or young person, especially when they have special educational needs. There are a number of things you will need to consider.

Your child or young person's wishes

  • If your child or young person has a friendship group, they may be keen to attend an education provider with them.
  • Their ambitions for the future may be better supported at one education provider over another.
    • For example, some schools may offer a full range of GCSEs, while others may not offer any.

Your child or young person’s strengths

  • What are they good at?
  • What do they enjoy?
  • Will they have the opportunity to develop their interests?

Your child or young person's special educational needs

Mainstream education providers can be equipped to meet any special educational need, whereas a special education provider may cater only for children with similar needs such as speech and language difficulties.

The resources and environment that your child or young person requires

  • Can the education provider provide this?
    • For example, your child may require a level site or wheelchair-accessible lifts, hearing loops, clutter-free classrooms or a private changing area.

It is important to make sure this information is in the correct place on your child or young person's EHC plan.

  • your child or young person's wishes and ambitions are included in section A
  • their strengths and special educational needs should be in section B
  • the resources and environment they require should be in section F

To find out more see EHC plans and annual review.

Distance from home and transport arrangements

You will need to work out how your child or young person will get to the education provider. The law around transport applies to all children and young people in education; there is no automatic entitlement to free transport to an education provider for children and young people with an EHC plan. If you choose an education provider that is not the nearest suitable one, expect to make your own transport arrangements and pay for them.