Choosing an education provider
Find out more about the education providers you are interested in
There is a lot of information about education providers to help you to decide which one is best for your child or young person. These include:
Most providers have their own website with lots of information to help you. Have a look at the policies that will affect your child or young person. Look at photos or video tours on the website to see if the environment looks right for your child.
Ofsted reports are issued after inspections by The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s services and Skills (Ofsted). Each education provider is judged for its quality and effectiveness as:
- outstanding
- good
- requires improvement or
- inadequate
Maintained schools and academies have to provide a SEND information report. This should be on their website, or you can find it on the Buckinghamshire Local Offer for SEND website.
Some education providers allow you to visit during the learning day. Others may offer a virtual meeting or a video tour.
Ask to visit the without your child or young person initially. If possible, take someone with you who knows your child or young person well and try to visit during learning day at a time when you can observe both lessons and break time.
Keep a note of the strengths and weaknesses of the education provider as you see them. You can refer to your notes to help you decide your preference or whether you need to visit other education providers.
- Pick at least 2 education providers to visit so you have something to compare.
- Consider how your child or young person will travel to the education provider.
- When you visit or speak to a member of staff, prepare a list of questions in advance.