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Webinars are co-produced with FACT Bucks, for parents and carers.
Watch this series of 3 webinars (30 minutes each). They will help to inform and empower you to enable children with ADHD to thrive. Wherever they are and even if they're not diagnosed.
These webinars follow our fact-finding workshops involving a wide range of stakeholders including parents (from Autumn 2024).
Watch the webinars or read the PDF versions:
- Part 1, Child's views, definition and diagnosis on YouTube
- Part 2, Strengths, challenges and support on YouTube
- Part 2, Strengths, challenges and support PDF version (PDF, 1.81 MB)
- Part 3, Rights and support on YouTube
- Part 3, Rights and support PDF version (PDF, 0.99 MB)
You can also watch 'We have a T-Rex brain' on YouTube for more help.
This webinar is for you if your child is not able to attend school or further education provider because of ill-health, exclusion or other reasons. It aims to help you to know your rights and what to expect.
This webinar explains why your child’s views are important and gives you some ideas to try with your child (webinar coproduced with Heritage House School).
This webinar is for children and young people aged 0 to 25 with or without an EHC plan.
This shows you the steps you can take and the relevant law to ensure you can make informed decisions. It gives advice on changing provider and preparing your child for their move.
Find out when and how to apply for EHC needs assessment.
This webinar aims to inform you about support for children who are struggling to attend school.
This webinar looks at how children and young people with SEND can learn life skills to help them:
- make choices and decisions
- have control over their lives
- identify the support they need to live as independently as possible
Watch our Independent Living webinar
Download the Independent Living slides (PDF, 2.87 MB)
This webinar explains what to expect from your SENDIAS service.
This webinar aims to inform you about decision-making for children and young people with SEND from the age of 16.
Information on mental capacity changes frequently. For the latest version please book on to a Mencap webinar.
This webinar is aimed at providing information about what is available in Buckinghamshire to support your child or young person's health needs and improving your confidence to make the most of it. It is an update of our 2022 webinar.
View the Navigating the health service slides (PDF 2.21MB).
The recordings will be available soon.
This webinar is for you if you are new to the world of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), you have a child or young person with SEND aged 0 - 25 and you live in Buckinghamshire. We also have a version interpreted in Urdu.
This webinar is to help you to be as effective as possible when dealing with SEND professionals and paperwork, for your own child and if you want to get involved on parent dialogue groups and strategy groups.
This webinar is to help you to understand what steps you can take if you disagree with a recently issued Final EHC plan or Final Amended EHC plan.
This webinar aims to help you to understand the options available to young people with SEND over the age of 16 to make sure they reach their potential, and how their EHC plan can be used to get them there.
This webinar provides advice if you have requested an EHC needs assessment and your request has been refused.
Find out about the support available in Buckinghamshire for children and young people with SEND in mainstream schools, colleges and early years settings.
This webinar is for professionals working with children and young people to help them understand their rights around their EHC plan and use it to get them to where they want to be.