Transport to education provider

Transport for young people aged 16 to 19

Even if a child is eligible for home to school transport when they are of compulsory school age, the law for older children is different and there is no entitlement to transport.

The law around providing transport for 16 to 19 year old students is also different from that for young people aged 19 and over.

Local authorities do not have a duty to provide free transport for young people aged 16 to 19. The local authority does have the power to provide home to school transport. This means Buckinghamshire Council can choose to provide home to school transport for certain young people but it does not have to be free of charge.

There is information about the law on the IPSEA website.

For more information about eligibility for assistance with transport for 16 to 19 year olds, check Transport for post-16 students with SEND. This includes current charges and eligibility for bursaries, as well as how to ask for a review of charges for families experiencing severe financial hardship.

To find out what to expect with SEND School transport, check SEND School Transport page.