Support for children at risk of being suspended or excluded from school
Suspensions, formally known as fixed period exclusions, mean that your child is not allowed in school for a set number of days for disciplinary reasons.
We can offer for your child:
- telephone and email advice on all matters relating to preventing suspension and exclusions
- attendance at school meetings where preventing suspension or permanent exclusion is one of the main factors
You can find more information about:
For further advice surrounding suspensions contact the exclusion and reintegration team.
Permanent exclusions
A permanent exclusion is used by schools as a last resort. It means that the excluded child can no longer attend the school, unless the governing board directs reinstatement.
This decision is usually based on a serious incident, or consistently bad behaviour inside or outside of school.
Support if your child has been excluded
You can find information on the ACE education website regarding:
- the standard of proof
- having a say in a permanent exclusion
- unofficial exclusions
- children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND)
- other factors affecting an exclusion (such as a bereavement)
- what happens during the exclusion
- finding a new school
See the Department of Education's guidance on the law behind permanent exclusions.
Finding a school after a permanent exclusion
When a child has been permanently excluded from school, we'll:
- contact the parent or carer
- help to explain the appeals process
- help to explain the child's education going forward
- support the child and family through the process
We'll place your child at an alternative education provider, such as a pupil referral unit, unless they have an education, health and care plan (EHC).
The Buckinghamshire Fair Access Board allocates places to children who have been permanently excluded from secondary school, and it will consider any preferences that a parent or carer may have. However, a place at a preferred school cannot be guaranteed.
Placement is sought as soon as it is felt that your child is ready to return to mainstream school and in discussion with the child and their parent or carer.
If the allocated school is over 3 miles from the home address then free transport is provided, which is usually a bus pass.
Managed moves
A managed move is a carefully planned transfer of a child from one school to another, and is often used as an alternative to permanent exclusion.
This may be suggested if other approaches to improve your child’s behaviour have failed and the school believes a fresh start elsewhere might work.
Managed moves require the full knowledge and agreement of all parties involved, including:
- parents or carers
- the pupil
- the home school
- the receiving school
Headteachers must follow Buckinghamshire Council's formal procedure to make sure that negotiations between all parties can be fully supported by the local authority.
When a managed move is appropriate
Consideration for a managed move must form an important part of your child's behaviour management plan, pastoral support plan or equivalent document, and be in their best interest.
A managed move should:
- be considered as an early intervention strategy and not a sanction
- begin before the pupil reaches the point of being permanently excluded
- be used as an intervention strategy to give an opportunity for a fresh start
- stop repeated challenging behaviour which would have otherwise led to suspension
Schools who are unsure if a managed move is an appropriate strategy to use can contact us for further advice and support. Parents or carers should discuss this in the first instance with their child’s school.
Contact the exclusion and reintegration team
Telephone: 01296 382 835
Email: [email protected]
Monday to Thursday 9am to 5.30pm and Friday 9am to 5pm
What we offer
We offer:
- telephone and email advice on all matters relating to preventing suspension and exclusions
- attendance at school meetings where preventing suspension or permanent exclusion is one of the main factors
- attendance at school managed move meetings for pupils at risk of suspension of exclusion
- attendance at the Fair Access Board meetings which looks at vulnerable children and young people without a school place, including pupils who have been permanently excluded from school