Guide to moving up to secondary school
How we allocate school places
Once you have submitted your application, we will start the process of finding your child a place, according to our Scheme and each school’s admission rules.
Step 1 - We look at the preferences submitted by Buckinghamshire families (including grammar schools for qualified children).
Step 2 - We tell other Local Authorities about applications for their schools made by our parents. Other Local Authorities tell us about preferences for Buckinghamshire schools submitted by their families.
Step 3 - We put your child on the list for the schools in your application, and we sort the lists into admission rules order with the highest priority children at the top.
Step 4 - We allocate places to children on the lists, working from the top, up to the Admission Number (number of places available) for each of our schools.
Step 5 - We tell other Local Authorities which of their children can be offered places at our schools. Other Local Authorities tell us which of our children can be offered places at their schools.
Step 6 - It will be possible to allocate more than one school to many children. So, we look at your preference order (the order you listed the schools in your application) to work out which of the available schools you would prefer. We will always offer your child a place at the highest preference school possible. The remaining places are then released so that we can offer them to other children.
Step 7 - Steps 4, 5 and 6 are repeated, until we have allocated everyone the highest preference that we can.
Step 8 - On 3 March we let Buckinghamshire families know which school their child has been offered.
Other Local Authorities will write to their families. Where we cannot offer a place, the preference for that school will be refused. We will provide a link to our summary about how the places for each Buckinghamshire school have been offered.
If none of your preferred schools are available (Buckinghamshire residents)
If we can’t offer any of your preferences, we try to offer a place at the nearest school with spaces. This may not be your catchment school and might be a school in another area. We do this in the following order:
Firstly for children where a Buckinghamshire upper/all-ability school has been included on the application. This might include qualified children where a grammar school place cannot be offered;
Then, if places remain, for children where a school in another area has been included on the application. This might include qualified children where a grammar school place cannot be offered.
We will not automatically offer a place at the next nearest school with a place to unqualified children whose families only included Buckinghamshire grammar school preferences on their application. Families in this group had the opportunity, and were advised, to include an upper/all-ability school (or school in another area) in their application. We do not assume that you want an upper/all-ability school. You may be sending your child to an independent school if they do not qualify. However, you can add upper/all ability preferences for consideration in a later allocation round.