Primary and secondary schools coordinated admissions scheme 2021
This page shows deadlines for both primary and secondary schools under the coordinated admissions scheme.
In all cases if any date above is at a weekend then the deadline will at the same time on the next working day.
Primary school deadlines
Applications deadline
We must receive your application by 15 January.
Address evidence
Submit your address evidence by 29 January.
Latest date for parents who have moved into a catchment area to provide proof and be considered as in-catchment for the first allocation round. Final date for return of application form for agreed special cases to be considered timely.
Any applications or changes of preference received after this date will not be processed until after the timely applications.
Out of county applications
Applications for schools in other LAs sent to those LAs and details of applications forwarded to foundation and voluntary-aided schools by 15 February.
Foundation and voluntary schools ranking
Foundation and voluntary-aided schools send LA a ranked list of applicants by 2 March.
Rankings for other schools
Multiple exchanges from 9 March with 30 March the latest working date for results to be sent to other LAs.
Final allocations
On 9 April final details of children to be offered places in their school are sent to schools.
National offer day
Offer letters posted/emailed to parents on 16 April.
Replying to the offer
30 April is the latest date for parents to confirm acceptance of school place offered.
If you are not happy with the school place offered, the appeals process starts in May.
On 18 September, waiting lists are converted to in year process.
Secondary school deadlines
Publishing of test results
All The Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools publish outcomes of entry testing process by 16 October.
Out of county applications
31 October is the latest date for parents who are moving into a school catchment area to provide proof and be considered in catchment for the first allocation round.
Some grammar schools set an earlier date.
Your application form should be returned to County Hall Admissions & Transport Team or submitted online by 3pm.
This is also the latest date for parents who are moving into a catchment area to provide proof and be considered in-catchment for the first allocation round. Some grammar schools, foundation schools, voluntary-aided schools, free schools or academies may set a different date.
Special case applications
21 November is the final date for return of application form for agreed special cases to be considered timely.
Any applications or changes of preference received after this date and before 31 December will be processed for release on 1 March but will be processed after the timely applications.
Out of county applications
Applications for schools in other LAs are sent to those LAs on 15 December.
Other schools
By 15 December, details of timely applications are forwarded to:
- foundation schools
- free schools
- voluntary-aided schools
- academies
Late applications
Applications received after 31 December (the last working day of the year) will not be processed until after 1 March.
Other schools ranking
By 16 January:
- Foundation schools
- free schools
- voluntary-aided schools
- academies
will send the LA a ranked list of applicants.
Out of county offers
Between 29 January and 15 February, we exchange offer information with other LAs.
Offers sent to schools
On 25 February, details of children to be offered places are sent to schools.
Offers sent
Offers will be posted/emailed to parents on 1 March.
Confirm your offer
Parents must confirm acceptance of offer and submit waiting list requests by 15 March.
If you are not happy with the school place offered, the appeals process starts in May.
On 17 September, waiting lists are converted to in year process.