Guidance for parents and guardians on school admission appeals

Last updated: 18 February 2025

Sixth form appeals

Schools’ published admission arrangements (rules) explain their entry requirements for sixth form. 

When you can appeal

Young people and/or parents have the right to appeal against an admission authority’s decision to refuse admission to a school’s sixth form because either:

  • there are more eligible applicants than places available and the Sixth Form is full
  • there is a specified entry requirement and the young person did not reach this entry requirement

The young person and/or parent should make the appeal within 20 school days of the refusal of admission to the school’s sixth form.

If there are no places available

If the young person has been refused admission to a school because there are more eligible people than places available and makes an appeal:

  • the admission authority will say that the school is full and harm will be caused to the school and its existing pupils if an extra person is admitted to the sixth form
  • the young person or parent will need to explain why they want the school place

The Appeal Panel will decide whether the young person or the admission authority has the stronger case.

If the young person didn't meet the entry requirements

If the young person did not reach the specified entry requirements, the Appeal Panel will consider whether the admission authority’s decision that the person was not of the required standard was reasonable in light of the information which was available to it at the time.

For more information, contact the Appeals Team.