Guidance for parents and guardians on school admission appeals
Who to contact
To find out more about admission appeals, contact:
You can also read:
- Advice for parents on school admission appeals from the Department for Education
- School Admission Appeals Code and School Admissions Code, published by the Department for Education
Contact the Appeals Team
The Appeals Team arranges school admission appeals for most schools in Buckinghamshire.
For support or guidance about your appeal, you can contact the Appeals Team:
Online: contact the Appeals Team
The Appeals Team aims to respond to queries within 48 hours. During March to July, delays may occur due to the number of appeals being made.
If you contact the Appeals Team, a response may be delayed if you do not provide:
- your name
- your child’s name
- the school and year group you are appealing for
- your appeal reference number, if provided
- the date and time of your appeal hearing, if provided
- your correct contact details
- full details of your query.
Contact school admissions
You should contact the Admissions Team if you have a question about:
- allocations of school places
- continued interest or waiting lists
- transfer tests for grammar schools
- Selection Reviews for unqualified grammar school applicants
- home-to-school transport