School transport frequently asked questions
School bus routes, timetables and travel passes
You can view a list of council run school bus routes for the 2023-24 academic year.
For commercial dedicated school buses, view our list of commercial operators and links to their websites.
We also provide a list of public transport options.
Find out how the Council's Spare Seat Scheme works and details of the application timeline.
Also see our terms and conditions of travel.
Except for applications with priority, allocations of seats are made on a first come, first served basis. So it’s important that parents apply as soon as possible once applications open.
If your child is entitled to free transport, their bus passes will be issued to the home address before the start of the new academic year.
For more information, see our free school transport application timeline.
If you were offered a place on the Spare Seat Scheme and have paid for your child’s transport, their bus pass will be issued to the home address before the start of the new academic year.
For more information, spare seat scheme transport timeline.
If you have changed address, contact us.
If you would like to change your child’s boarding point using the same bus, contact us and provide:
- your child's name
- your child's date of birth
- the boarding point they wish to change to
There is an admin fee of £15 for the new pass.
Spare Seats are very limited so we may not be able to accommodate your request.
If you have changed address, contact us.
We will let you know if we are able to change your boarding point.
There is an admin fee of £15 for the new pass.
To apply for a replacement pass, you will need:
- your 6 digit customer reference number
- a credit or debit card
- to pay an admin fee of £15
Apply for a replacement pass using our online form.
The office at your child's school can give you a 5 day pass whilst you are waiting for the new pass.
You will need to contact the operator of the service your child is on.
This information was provided with your child’s bus pass (operator, service number and timetable).
Check for reported issues on our bus disruptions page.
If the bus your child travels on has not been reported, report the issue via our contact us form.
You can receive a full refund if you submit your application before the start of the new academic year, half term or term that you are cancelling for.
If you submit a request during the academic year, you will need to pay for the remainder of the current term you are in.
Once the third (summer) term has started, no refund is available for the remainder of that term.
Complete our refund request form.
Online: Contact the SEN team
By post to:
SEN Team
Walton Street Offices
Walton Street
HP20 1UZ
Contact Admissions and Transport
Admissions and Transport Team
Walton Street Offices
HP20 1UZ
Online: Contact Client Transport
Client Transport
Walton Street Offices
HP20 1YZ