Home to School Transport Policy (0 to 25 Year Olds)

Last updated: 11 June 2024

9.2 Spare Seats Scheme

The Council contracts with companies to provide school bus transport for pupils who are eligible for Council funded transport. Spare seats on these vehicles may be sold where there are seats remaining after the allocation of seats to eligible pupils have been made. More information about the Council’s Spare Seat Scheme can be found on our website.

Spare seats on Council provided transport are extremely limited. All purchased seats are subject to the seat being withdrawn with 5 working days’ notice if it is required for a pupil who is eligible.

On routes where spare seats are available and where applications are received by the advertised deadline, spare seats will be prioritised and allocated in the following order:

  1. renewal applications
  2. looked After Children or former Looked After Children who have been adopted
  3. pupils/students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
  4. children of Armed Forces personnel - in line with our duty as part of the Buckinghamshire Armed Forces Covenant
  5. siblings of pupils/students allocated a place in priority 1 and siblings of eligible pupils travelling on the same route.
  6. all others - on a first come first served basis from date of application

Detailed terms and conditions on the Spare Seats Scheme are published on our website.

The travel pass provided for this transport is the responsibility of the pupil/student. If lost or damaged, contact us online to request a replacement quoting a valid student reference number, name, address and date of birth. An administration charge will apply.