Home to School Transport Policy (0 to 25 Year Olds)

Last updated: 11 June 2024

2. Under Statutory school age (0 to 4 years) Eligibility for Travel Assistance

Children under statutory school age are not automatically entitled to transport to an early years setting or school. Statutory school age begins on the first day of the term following the child’s 5th birthday.

In exceptional circumstances the Council will consider providing travel assistance for any child who will turn 5 within the term that the application is made, subject to them meeting the transport eligibility criteria and the Council completing a travel needs assessment. Each case is considered individually therefore parents should not assume automatic entitlement.

The eligibility criteria are outlined in section 3. These are considered in accordance with the following additional guidance.

Children without an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) attending nursery provision aged 0 to 4

Parents/carers are responsible for making their own travel arrangements for transporting their child to and from nursery provision.

Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan attending mainstream nursery provision age 0 to 4

If a child has an EHCP and is attending a mainstream nursery then these cases can be brought to the Transport Exceptions Panel to be considered for travel assistance, as long as the placement is the nearest suitable setting. If travel assistance is offered, this is likely to be in the form of a Personal Transport Budget, subject to a consideration of a family’s ability to make suitable transport arrangements for their child’s journey to nursery.

Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan attending specialist nursery provision age 0 to 4

If a child’s needs are such that an EHCP prescribes attendance at a specialist nursery then these cases can be brought to the Transport Exceptions Panel to be considered for travel assistance, as long as the placement is the nearest suitable setting. If travel assistance is offered, this is likely to be in the form of a Personal Transport Budget subject to a consideration of a family’s ability to make suitable transport arrangements for their child’s journey to nursery.

Children without an Education Health and Care Plan attending a reception class in a school in the year before they turn 5

If it is determined by the Admissions and Transport Team that once the child is 5 they will meet the eligibility criteria for home to school transport, then they may be transported during the term that they are due to turn 5, providing there is existing transport running from the child’s home area to the educational setting. This is subject to the Council completing a travel needs assessment.

Children with an Education Health and Care Plan attending a reception class in a school in the year before they turn 5

If it is determined by the Integrated SEND Team that a child with an EHCP attending a reception class would be eligible to receive Council funded home to school travel assistance once they turn 5, then we would consider providing travel assistance if the child needs it before the age of 5. This would be the case even if there was no existing transport provision running from the child’s home area to the educational setting. These cases can be brought to the Transport Exceptions Panel for consideration.

If travel assistance is offered, this is likely to be in the form of a Personal Transport Budget, subject to a consideration of a family’s ability to make suitable transport arrangements for their child’s journey to school.