Home to School Transport Policy (0 to 25 Year Olds)

Last updated: 11 June 2024

8. Looked After Children (under the care of the Council - all ages)

The Council is committed to supporting those most in need, ensuring that travel assistance is available to those who require it. It is recognised that Looked After Children face specific challenges and barriers to achieving their full potential, and as corporate parents we are committed to reducing those barriers.

For Looked after Children under our care, transport will be provided as follows:

  • if a Looked After Child is educated at a school that is not the nearest suitable school for less than one term, transport will be provided by the Council for this period
  • if a Looked After child is educated at school that is not the nearest suitable school for more than one term, transport will be provided by the Council for one term. During this term it is expected that an application will be made to the nearest suitable school, unless there are exceptional circumstances as to why the pupil should not move to this school. The view of the Head Teacher of the Virtual School will be taken into account when senior officers consider any exceptional circumstances