Post-16 Transport Policy Statement 2024/25

Last updated: 11 June 2024

5. Students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities aged 16-19

5.1 Criteria for travel assistance for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

There is no automatic entitlement to transport assistance. To qualify for travel assistance from the Council, the following criteria must be met. Travel assistance requirements will be assessed as part of the Education, Health and Care Plan annual review process.

Travel assistance is based on travel from the home address, as defined in the Home to School Transport Policy, to the educational placement(s) named in Section I of the Education, Health & Care Plan.

  • The student has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) with a named school/s or educational setting/s.
  • The student is attending the nearest suitable school or educational placement to their home address as named in the EHCP.
  • The student is unable (due to their Special Educational Needs, disability or mobility difficulty) to use public transport independently
  • The programme of learning is full-time (i.e. at least 540 plus guided learning (planned and funded) hours per year).
  • The student lives more than 3 miles walking distance from the school or educational setting as measured by the Council, or they are unable to walk the distance because of their Special Educational Needs, disability or mobility difficulty.