Sign up or renew a garden waste subscription
We offer a chargeable fortnightly collection of garden waste, such as grass cuttings and leaves.
It costs £59 to sign up for or renew a garden waste collection for the year.
If you have a My Buckinghamshire account, you can log in and renew your subscription.
If you do not, you need to register for a My Buckinghamshire account before creating a new garden waste subscription.
Any previous login details for waste services will not work on this system.
Read our garden waste terms and conditions.
'My Buckinghamshire' is a new account system that came into effect in 2024. Any log in details you had for waste services before this, are no longer valid.
You can use a 'My Buckinghamshire' account to sign up, renew and keep track of your garden waste subscription. This includes getting reminders when it's due to be renewed.
To create an account you will need to enter your:
- name
- email address
- home address
If you already have a 'My Buckinghamshire' account, you can sign in with your email and password to sign up or renew garden waste.
If you're registering for an account for the first time, you can enter your details and will be asked to validate your account when we send you an email.
We'll send you a garden waste bin within 10 working days of receiving payment.
We will also send you a subscription sticker with your address on.
If there is already a bin at your property that has been left behind by previous residents, you will still need to sign up and pay for a valid subscription to the service to receive your garden waste sticker.
Sign in and renew your subscription online.
We'll send you a new garden waste sticker for your bin within 10 working days of receiving your payment.
We'll collect your garden waste every 2 weeks on the same day as your recycling or general waste. You can check your bin collection day.
On the day of collection, make sure your bin is out by 6:30am.
If it's not collected
If your garden waste has not been collected, you can report a missed bin collection online.
Before you report it, you should make sure you have a valid garden waste subscription.
You'll need to attach the sticker to your bin so it can be seen by our crews on your collection day.
You can request a replacement sticker if yours is lost, stolen or damaged.
Garden waste collections are suspended this year between 16 December 2024 and 24 January 2025. Regular collections will start again on your usual collection day from week commencing Monday 27 January 2025.
You can find out more about the suspension in the terms and conditions.