Request bin collections for non-domestic premises

We offer chargeable waste collections for non-domestic premises including schools, hospitals, care homes and buildings for public meetings.

What you can request

  • recycling collections
  • rubbish collections
  • food waste collections

Changes to government legislation for food waste

From 31 March 2025, new government legislation requires most businesses and non-domestic premises to separate all recycling and food waste from general waste and have this waste collected separately.

What it costs

Depending on your location, different services and fees may apply. We'll contact you when you apply to provide you with the fees.

Request a collection

If your property is in the Aylesbury Vale area

To request collection of non-domestic waste in Aylesbury Vale, contact our Commercial Waste Team for a quote.

If your property is in the Chiltern, South Bucks or Wycombe areas

To request collection of non-domestic waste in the Chiltern, South Bucks and Wycombe areas, fill out our chargeable non-domestic waste collection form.