Household Waste Collection Policy for Southern Buckinghamshire

Last updated: 21 May 2024

Policy 10 - Collection point for containers

All waste and recycling containers should be presented at the edge of a resident's property, at the point where the premises meet the adopted highway for collection. If properties are located down a private driveway/access road, then the containers must be presented where the private

driveway/access road meets the adopted highway. This applies even when a household does not own the land between property and the adopted highway.

Where a household is on a private or un-adopted road, the councils’ collection vehicles will usually only collect from the road where;

  • the road is of a construction that would meet the standard for adoption by the Highways authority
  • the council believes the road is of a suitable design to enable a waste collection vehicle with 4 axles to manoeuvre easily and turn where needed
  • damage has not been caused to the private road previously
  • the nature of the road is not such that it would take an unreasonable length of time to carry out collections relative to other collections from adopted highways within the county
  • council has been provided with a signed Indemnity
  • it is safe to stop and park the collection vehicle in order to collect waste, without causing risk, hazard or obstruction to other road users or pedestrians

The council may change any collection point, either temporarily or permanently, following a review process. This review process maybe instigated due (but not limited to) the Councils’ belief that the access to or location of the presentation site would be unsafe for collections, or does not meet the current council policy.

The council will give at least 10 working days’ notice, in writing, of any changes to the location of a collection point, highlighting the alternative site to the householders affected. Each case will be looked at on an individual basis to agree a suitable collection point as near to the boundary as is safe and practicable.