Household Waste Collection Policy for Southern Buckinghamshire
Policy 22 – Provision/replacement of containers
In 2013 and 2014, all properties were provided with the appropriate containers by the Council, for the current waste and recycling service. Any replacement of a Council provided container may be subject to a charge depending on the circumstance of the loss. The Council recommend that residents clearly mark the containers at their property with their house number and/or name. Replacement containers may be ‘pre-loved’ containers which have been pressure washed. Outlined below are details of the different situations which may occur:
Lost and stolen containers
If a container has been lost or stolen, residents must check with neighbours and the surrounding area where the container went missing. If containers cannot be found, then a request can be made to replace the container.
A lost container will be chargeable. If the resident has evidence it was stolen, the theft will need to be reported to the police on the non-emergency number or reported online. A police reference number must be obtained to request the replacement bin.
Damaged containers
If a container has been damaged through day to day usage, then a request can be made for a replacement container. A photo of the damaged container must be provided as part of the request, for a replacement bin to be provided free of charge. The damaged container must be left presented, ready to be swapped with the replacement container.
Containers damaged at the property or chewed by animals or wildlife will not be replaced free of charge.
Dirty containers will not be deemed damaged and will not be replaced. It is the responsibility of residents to keep containers clean.
New residents (existing properties)
If a resident has recently moved into a property, it is the responsibility of the new resident to ensure the containers have been left by the previous occupiers. If containers cannot be found, new containers will need to be purchased for the property.
New developments
For any new development it is the responsibility of the developer, or the new occupier in the second instance, to request and pay for waste containers.
Containers will only be delivered once payment has been received in full.
Delivery may take up to 4 to 8 weeks from payment dependant of the number and size of bins required.
Where the council believe there is sufficient room for recycling, all containers must be purchased not just those for general waste.
Containers lost in vehicles
Occasionally bins may fall into the back of a vehicle during the emptying process. This will be reported to the council by the crews and a replacement issued automatically.