Household Waste Collection Policy for Southern Buckinghamshire

Last updated: 21 May 2024

Policy 23 - Inclement weather/Force Majeure

During severe weather we will continue to undertake the regular scheduled collection of waste wherever it is deemed safe to do so.

The decision on whether it is safe for a collection vehicles and collection crews to access a specific location/street has to be determined locally by the driver of that vehicle. Among key factors that apply are:

  • road conditions
  • pavement conditions
  • weather conditions
  • access past parked cars
  • risks to public and/or the crew

We will, where possible, try to return and collect missed containers. If this is not possible due to continuing bad weather conditions, we will make alternative arrangements such as providing sacks or asking residents to use their own bags so waste can be stored until the next collection day; where upon all side waste will be cleared with the exception of garden waste.

If significant disruption occurs, the councils’ websites will be updated with information on access and which services are being prioritised. First priority will normally be given to the residual waste and food waste services.

All our drivers are trained in making on site risk assessments; they will always have the final say as to whether it is possible to access a road safely or whether frozen pavements are hazardous for collections.

Vehicles can weigh up to 32 tonnes, and the safety of our crews and the public will always be our first priority.