Dispose of hazardous household waste

Types of hazardous household waste

Waste is hazardous if it contains anything that is harmful to humans or the environment. Examples of hazardous waste include:

  • asbestos
  • garden chemicals and fuel
  • plasterboard
  • non-native plants

More care and attention is required to recycle or dispose of these materials.

Recycling centres that accept hazardous household waste

You can only dispose of asbestos, plasterboard, and garden chemicals at the following recycling centres:


Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibre that was widely used in buildings for insulation. It was used in flooring and roofing, and was sprayed on ceilings and walls. Its use is now banned in the UK, but buildings constructed before the year 2000 may still have asbestos in them.

It’s only when it’s damaged or disturbed that tiny asbestos fibres can be released into the air. Breathing in asbestos fibres can damage your lungs.

Asbestos waste permit

Before visiting a recycling centre to dispose of asbestos, you will need to apply for a waste permit.

The maximum amount we can accept is three normal sized bin-liner bags or four sheets which measure about  2 metres by 1 metre each.

Conditions of disposal

Make sure you follow the conditions of disposal:

  • we can only accept bonded asbestos
  • all wood, glass, plastic and metal must be removed removed from the asbestos before disposal
  • asbestos must be double bagged and wrapped
  • when you arrive, speak to a site attendant who will assess the load and take the payment

Items with asbestos, or cement bonded asbestos inside, like storage heaters, should be disposed of by a specialist asbestos removal company. Do not try to remove the asbestos yourself and do not bring the whole item to the household recycling centre.

Private asbestos removal

If you have asbestos to dispose of and don't wish to do this yourself, we suggest you use a private asbestos removal contractor.

Garden chemicals and fuel

Some products are perfectly safe to use in everyday life, but are considered hazardous when it comes to disposing of them. This means they require specialist treatment, using safe and environmentally friendly disposal or recycling methods.

Types of garden chemicals

Garden chemicals include:

  • weed killers
  • insecticides
  • fungicide sprays

It is illegal to dispose of garden chemicals or their wastes in drains, sinks or toilets as they can cause harm to human health, wildlife and the environment.

We can help and accept up to 5 litres of:

  • garden chemicals
  • paraffin
  • petrol
  • diesel

Ensure they are still in the original containers which are not leaking.

Disposal of fuel

Petrol and diesel should be in the original container or a petrol or jerry can. This will need to be left at the recycling centre - you cannot decant the fuel into the containers at the centres.

There is no charge for fuel disposal.


Plasterboard is made of gypsum sandwiched between two sheets of lining paper. In a building it is used to make interior walls and ceilings.

All plasterboard brought to site should have tiles, wood and other materials removed before disposal.

You can dispose of a certain amount for free if you apply for a DIY waste permit.

Non-native plants

Plants that have been introduced to a place where they do not naturally occur are known as non-native species. Many of these grow in the UK without causing a problem, but a few become invasive and can take over.

You cannot dispose of any non-native invasive plants in your garden waste collection or at the recycling centres.

The most common non-native invasive plants are:

If you want to dispose of these plants you should read the guidance on how to stop invasive non-native plants from spreading. This includes advice on managing, treating, and disposing of non-native invasive plants.