New food bin delivery delays

We're waiting to receive stock of new food bins in the South of Buckinghamshire. If you've ordered a new bin, please allow up to 4 weeks for delivery. We're sorry for any inconvenience this causes.

Order replacement bins or boxes

Use this service to order replacement bins or boxes if yours were:

  • lost (make sure you check with neighbours and search the area before ordering)
  • stolen (you will need to first report this online to the police and we will ask for a crime reference number when you request a replacement)
  • damaged through day to day usage

Damaged bins or boxes

If the bin or box has been damaged by our waste crews we may replace them free of charge if you can provide a photo of the damaged bin or box.

If it's been damaged due to misuse or vandalism, you will need to pay for a replacement.

What you can request

You can order replacement bins for:

Larger or smaller bin replacements

Where you've previously requested a smaller or larger waste or recycling bin, you can request a replacement of the same size.

Larger general waste bins will only be replaced if we have a record of your application for a larger bin. Otherwise, we will replace with the standard size general waste bin.

What you cannot request

We do not offer:

  • replacements for the indoor food caddy - you can use any container to store food waste inside your home or purchase one from most homeware stores
  • replacements for dirty bins or boxes - you can clean your own containers or pay a private company to clean them for you

How to order

Order replacement bins using the online form.

Order now

What happens next

New bins or boxes will be delivered within 10 working days.

We're currently experiencing operational disruption and there may be a delay in your bin being delivered which could go past the 10 working days.

If your bins or boxes are damaged, you'll need to leave the old bin near the boundary of the property. We will collect it when we deliver the new bins.

If your old bin wasn't collected when the new one was delivered, you can request a bin removal.