Pay a Fixed Penalty Notice for littering, fly-tipping or a waste duty of care offence

We can issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) for littering, fly-tipping and waste duty of care offences.

You will have either received the notice at the time of the offence, by post or by email and must pay it within 14 days.

How much you need to pay

You will need to pay:

  • £300 for failure by a business to provide duty of care documents
  • £500 for littering
  • £600 for waste duty of care offences
  • £1,000 for fly-tipping

Pay your fly-tipping / Duty of Care FPN

To pay, you will need:

  • your Fixed Penalty Notice invoice number
  • your customer account number
  • a credit or debit card to make payment
Pay your fly-tipping FPN

Pay your Littering FPN

To pay, you will need:

  • your Fixed Penalty Notice number
  • a credit or debit card to make a payment
Pay your Littering FPN

Enforcement policies