Report littering from vehicles

If you see someone littering from a vehicle and have photograph or video evidence of the offence, you can upload these using our form. You will need to tell us as much as you can including the:

  • location of the littering (you can plot this on a map)
  • registration details of the vehicle
  • time and date of the offence
  • description of the items that were thrown from the vehicle

We're asking for this evidence as part of the 'For Bucks Sake' campaign.

We will blur out other people in images

Should anyone not involved in the offence be captured on the dashcam footage or images, Buckinghamshire Council will ensure their image is blurred out to protect their privacy rights.

File sizes we accept

We accept files up to 500MB in size.

We recommend using a tablet, laptop or computer

For ease of use, we recommend using a tablet, laptop, or desktop computer to upload and send the evidence from the form below, rather than a mobile phone device.

Report it

Penalty for littering from a vehicle

If you throw litter from a vehicle, we can issue you with a penalty notice if you're the registered keeper of the vehicle even if the litter is thrown by someone else in the vehicle.

You will have to pay the penalty notice unless you're able to prove that either:

  • the vehicle was kept by another person at the time
  • it was someone else that threw the litter from the vehicle (you will need to provide their identity)


The power to enforce a penalty notice for littering from vehicles is set out in the Littering from Vehicles Outside London (Keeper - Civil Penalties) Regulations 2018.