Customer First programme - Annual Report 2022 to 2023

Improving how customers contact us
Buckinghamshire is home to a diverse population of 550,000 residents, each with unique needs and preferences in terms of communication. To ensure we address these needs effectively, our goal is to design customer journeys that cater to different groups:
- for digitally proficient individuals, we aim to create processes that intuitively guide them to the most suitable channel of contact
- for those who are nervous or uncertain about digital platforms, we strive to provide a telephone service that assists them to become proficient with our digital offerings
- for residents who are unable to use our digital tools, our future focus is on telephone calls or arranging bookable meetings to offer expert guidance at our Library Council Access Points and Council Access Point+ sites at our council offices, or through online meetings
Buckinghamshire Council launched the Year of Conversation in 2023 to encourage and advocate the importance of a good conversation to enhance relationships, get faster outcomes and improve resolutions. In a hybrid world, technology is a key tool for us, but there will always be a place for conversation.
This is seen throughout the work that Customer First promotes, in improving face to face and telephony services for customers, providing training for staff on handling difficult conversations and encouraging the continued collaboration of service areas across the council.